Daily Kos: Senator Gillibrand: “They Will Fail.”

Daniel L. Squadron

New York's Junior Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, made an appearance at an LGBT symposium held in New York City on the future of marriage equality in New York State (video and summary here). An attendee asked her about the right-wing's attempts to walk back LGBT progress made of late. Specifically mentioned was Representative and Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann's promise to reinstate "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," a signature achievement for Gillibrand in her first term in the Senate.

The Senator's answer left no ambiguity on her perspective. It was concise, resolute, and the picture of "no nonsense." It was a mere four words in it's entirety:

“No. They will fail.”

As the applause and laughter dies down, my own state Senator, Daniel Squadron, himself a great ally on LGBT rights and host of the evening, said, "Let that be a lesson to us all on brevity and effectiveness."

Indeed. I'll bet on my Senator's tough talk and impressive record of effectiveness against Michele Bachmann's lunatic ramblings and record of failure any day.

Do treat yourself to the 46-second video. It's clear from her tone, Senator Gilibrand is not playing around there. The Senator has also taken on the cause of recruiting more women into the field of politics. If they are cut from Gillibrand's cloth, I say let a tsunami of estrogen hit DC. The boys have had their time.

Click here to read this article on Daily Kos.