Sen. Daniel Squadron Petitions for Ethics Reform

Daniel L. Squadron

NY Daily News

Daily Politics

May 11, 2011 12:29 PM

BY Ken Lovett

Sen. Daniel Squadron’s is now petitioning his fellow senators to allow a Senate Democratic ethics reform package to the floor for a vote.

Squadron sent a letter to his fellow senators on both sides of the aisle noting that a petition containing the signatures of 3/5 of the body can guarantee a bill moves to the floor.

The letter mentions how 54 senators during the campaign signed pledges supporting ethics reform, far more than the 38 votes needed for the petition.

“If every rank-and-file member that signed the pledge signs the attached petitions we will be able to bring the bills to the floor for a vote before time runs out. Thanks to the new Senate Rules, this is a decision that each member can make individually.”

It’s highly unlikely the 38 signatures will be obtained.

"The governor and the speaker have made clear that they back fundamental ethics reform -- only the Senate Republicans are missing from an agreement,” Squadron said.

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