Senate Dems to Hold Interactive Ethics Forum
Karen DeWitt (2011-05-03)
ALBANY, NEW YORK (WXXI) - Democrats in the State Senate will hold a first ever interactive forum on ethics reform at noon on Wednesday, and are seeking participation from the public.
Senator Dan Squadron, one of the youngest Senators, represents parts of Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan. He's using social media, Facebook and Twitter, as well as a live web stream, for an interactive ethics forum, and is seeking comments from New Yorkers who want to see an end to corruption at the Capitol.
"It's a great time for regular people, to say you know what, my representative isn't asking what I want to ask, here's what the question is'," said Squadron. " We really hope regular people will take the opportunity."
Squadron says he's been told that former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, a reform crusader, will be tweeting, he hopes others will join him. He says he's holding the public meeting to make sure ethics reform "doesn't die in a dark room" and gets passed this session.
Click here to view full article and listed to Senator Squadron’s interview