Tougher regulations for discount charter buses

Daniel L. Squadron

Leguislative Gazette

by Simon Garron-Caine

April 11, 2011

In the face of two recent tragedies, the Assembly passed a bill April 4 that would create a regulatory system for intercity buses operating out of New York City.

"As last month's tragic crash in the Bronx made clear, it is past time to impose reasonable regulations on the discount bus industry. Today's unregulated environment is like the wild west, and that doesn't work for bus companies, passengers or the community," said Sen. Daniel Squadron, D-Carroll Gardens, who sponsors the bill (S.2977/A.4578).

The bill is sponsored in the Assembly by Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, whose district serves as one of New York City's discount bus hubs.

"Many of my constituents, particularly in Chinatown, rely on these low-cost buses and we have an urgent responsibility to make sure we have a permit system that focuses on the safety and reliability of the companies that are allowed to operate in our city," said Silver.

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