State moves to dissolve obsolete Medina agencies

George D. Maziarz

From the Batavia Daily News...

Senator George Maziarz, R-C, Newfane, announced that the State Senate Thursday gave final passage to legislation requested by the village of Medina that would dissolve its Urban Renewal Agency and Housing Authority.

''These two authorities, like scores of others in small communities around the state, have been defunct for decades,'' Maziarz said. ''By formally dissolving them, we are taking a small but tangible step to reduce the size of government.''

According to Assemblyman Steve Hawley, R-I-C, Batavia, the bill's sponsor in the Assembly, the measure was approved unanimously in that chamber on Tuesday.

''In times of fiscal crisis, it is essential that we minimize the size and cost of government at all levels,'' Hawley said. ''The dissolution of these authorities has long been a priority for the village of Medina and this legislation will help our local government operate more efficiently.''

Medina Mayor Adam Tabelski said, ''We thank Senator Maziarz and Assemblyman Hawley for respecting the village's wishes in this regard and acting on our behalf in Albany. These bodies are vestiges from an earlier generation and the need for them no longer exists.''

The measure will be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his signature into law or veto.