Sen. Farley and Tribes Hill Fire Dept. to Host Annual Fire Safety Night on Oct. 19th; Seek Vendors
With October being National Fire Safety Month and residents preparing homes for the winter months, State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) and the Tribes Hill Volunteer Fire Department will co-host their annual Fire Safety Night on Wednesday, October 19th, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the fire department located on Mohawk Drive, Tribes Hill. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
"Protecting our loved ones is the responsibility of every parent, neighbor and citizen," Senator Farley said. "That's why it is important to stay informed on fire safety and to take steps to protect yourself and your families."
"Anyone interested in giving demonstrations, having a display table or participating in the Fire Safety Expo may call my Amsterdam District Office," Senator Farley said. "We are looking for experts on topics such as fire safety, chimney cleaning, and wood stove and pellet stove use."
For more information, call Senator Farley's Amsterdam office at 843-2188, or e-mail Senator Farley at Farley@nysenate.gov