Senator Farley Salutes Glendaal's Grant Award to Get Kids Moving

Hugh T. Farley

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) is happy to relay the news that Glendaal Elementary School in Scotia was only one of 50 nationwide recipients to received $2,500 grant to help students be fit and active.

The funding comes from the ING Run for Something Better School Awards program, presented by ING and National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

Glendaal will use the grant to execute an 8-week running program that will conclude with a physical event that celebrates student participation and achievements.

"Staying fit is an important part of growing up and can teach children wellness and health habits that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, many children don’t get the physical exercise that they need to stay fit. Overweight children are at a much higher risk for developing health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, later in life. Being overweight also can impact a child’s self esteem, sense of well-being and ability to excel at school," Senator Farley said.

"Congratulations to Glendaal for winning this grant and helping educate students academically and physically," Senator Farley said.

Senator Farley is also promoting the New York State Senate Youth Fitness Campaign, which encourages children to adopt a more healthy and active lifestyle. Senator Farley said the Youth Fitness Campaign is designed to help children stay fit by encouraging them to be active, doing things like playing sports, skipping, jumping and even helping with household chores. "While this year-round program is geared towards students in third through fifth grades, anyone can participate because staying fit is an important part of growing up. The Fitness Campaign is a 10-week program where children log their exercise in a chart. The goal is to score 100 points each week. Participants who mail the chart back to me will receive a special certificate honoring their achievement," Senator Farley said.

Families who would like free copies of the Youth Fitness Campaign materials, can call Senator Farley's office toll-free at (800) 224-5201. Orders can also be e-mailed to the Senator at: