Two more bills signed into law that were sponsored by Senator Grisanti

Mark Grisanti

Governor Andrew Cuomo has now signed 17 bills into law that were sponsored by Senator Grisanti, including two more bills that were signed into law by Cuomo this week.

“ I am humbled to have 17 bills signed into law as a freshman senator,” said Sen. Grisanti. “I anticipate that all 23 of my sponsored bills will be signed into law by Governor Cuomo.”

Details of the new law are as follows:

* S. 3791-Requires the modification of the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual by the department of environmental conservation Stormwater retention ponds present a potential hazard to public safety. The Stormwater Management Design Manual currently provides for discretionary implementation of safety features under the “Design Guidance.”

This legislation strengthens this section by making certain safety features mandatory. This legislation further protects public safety by requiring maintenance plans to include a requirement for examining the status of safety features by the maintenance authority in their routine maintenance schedule of stormwater retention ponds.

* S.4363- Requires lawn care companies to provide certain information to property owners prior to any commercial lawn application
An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to requiring lawn care companies to provide information to the property owner prior to any commercial lawn application.

The purpose of this bill is to amend provisions regarding notice requirements from certain pesticide applicators. This bill would permit owners or their agents to decide if information pertaining to the pesticides scheduled to be applied to their lawns should be in written, digital or electronic format, provided that commercial lawn pesticide applicators must have a written copy in their possession.