Future Of Queens Discussed At Astoria Civic Meeting

Michael Gianaris

The Queens Gazette wrote about the "State of Queens Address" at the Astoria Civic Association, where Senator Gianaris and other elected officials discussed a variety of issues and accomplishments in Queens. Senator Gianaris talked specifically about the economy, the importance of the film tax credit and hydrofracking.

A triumvirate of elected officials delivered the “State of Queens Address” at the November 8 meeting of the Astoria Civic Association at Riccardo’s by the bridge.

Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr., Assemblymember Aravella Simotas and state Senator Mike Gianaris had the chance to review accomplishments, as well as challenges that Queens has been facing and will continue to face in the near future.


Gianaris focused his remarks on a gloomy economic forecast saying, “The last time I was here, I called the economy sick, but getting better.”

Gianaris was referring to the state’s ten billion dollar budget deficit that was resolved without raising taxes.

“Services were cut to the bone and right now we’re looking for additional revenue because it’s hurting people,” he said.


Read the full article here.