GOP may add state Senate seat: Rumor

Michael Gianaris wrote about the issue of gerrymandering within the GOP. This only furthers the argument for an independing redistricting process, away from partisan temptations to gain majority through unfair means.

Republicans in the state Senate are reportedly thinking of adding an extra seat in the upper chamber when the redrawing of district lines are conducted next year.


Sens. Toby Stavisky (D-Whitestone) and Michael Gianaris (D-Astoria) said they had “heard rumors” that Republicans were in fact looking to add an extra seat.


“Nothing surprises me,” Gianaris said. “This is why we need an independent redistricting process because the Republicans will stop at nothing to maintain their majority ... even if it means violating the constitution to change the number of senators the state has.”

 Read the full article here.