Keep Race, Job Protection Out Of Redistricting, New York State Voters Tell Quinnipiac University Poll

Michael Gianaris

Quinnipiac University's poll yeilded in results that called the need for a fair and unbiased redistricting process, particualrly not taking into account race or occupation. A majority of New York voters support an independent commission to draw district lines and oppose drawing lines to protect incumbents

Don't draw legislative district lines to create racial or ethnic districts, such as blacks and Hispanics, New York State voters say 72 - 21 percent in a Quinnipiac University poll released today. There is strong agreement among all political groups.


An independent commission with no connection to the State Legislature should draw the district lines for electing members of the U.S. Congress and the State Legislature, 48 percent of New York State voters say. Another 28 percent support an independent commission with some legislative input and 11 percent say the State Legislature should create the districts.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo should veto any redistricting plan not created by an independent commission, 45 percent say, while 33 percent say Cuomo should not veto such a plan.

Read the full article and view the full poll results here.