Senator Carl l. Marcellino today announced that First Lieutenant James Byler, of Huntington has been selected to the New York State Senate’s Veterans Hall of Fame.
“James Byler, has an exemplary military record and has demonstrated a true and resolute allegiance to his country. He gave so much to a cause greater than himself and in doing so has protected our country and way of life. He is a true American hero who fought bravely and made great sacrifices to defend our country and protect our freedoms. I’m so proud to congratulate him on earning this much deserved honor,” said Senator Marcellino
The Senate’s Veterans Hall of Fame recognizes veterans from across the state for their extraordinary efforts in combat or for work performed after they were discharged from the service. First Lieutenant James Byler's biography and photo will be on display in the Legislative Office Building in Albany as part of a display honoring the 2012 inductees into the Senate’s Veterans Hall of Fame.
First Lieutenant Byler was born July 25th, 1985 and is a 2003 Huntington High School graduate and a graduate of Purdue University, Indiana. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corp and served as an Infantry platoon commander with the Third Battalion, 5th Marines, of Camp Pendleton, California.
First Lieutenant James Byler was injured October 2010 in the Northern Helmand Province, one of the deadliest provinces in Afghanistan. While leading his platoon on a dismounted patrol of a narrow alley, First Lieutenant Byler stepped backward on an IED that was buried in the dirt. He was brought to safety with a wheelbarrow by members of his platoon He remained conscious until he was anesthetized in the Medevac chopper. The superior training his men received enabled them to stabilize him and save his life. First Lieutenant Byler sustained serious injuries, losing both legs and fingers on each hand. After being cared for in a U.S. military hospitals in Afghanistan and Europe, First Lieutenant Byler was transferred to the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda, Maryland.
First Lieutenant James Byler was awarded the Purple Heart. His concern remains with the soldiers fighting overseas and feels privileged to have served his country.
“It is with a great sense of pride and admiration that we in the New York State Senate honor and recognize First Lieutenant James Byler,” concluded Senator Marcellino