Carl L Marcellino

State Supreme Court Judge Bruce Cozzens decision that the onerous MTA Payroll tax is unconstitutional is a win for Long Island. When I voted against the horrific MTA payroll tax in 2009, and for its partial repeal in 2011, I said it was a massive new unfunded mandate that will drive up property taxes, increase taxes on businesses and cause the loss of jobs throughout the MTA region, and it did just that. During these deteriorating fiscal times we need to encourage job growth  not tax it. 

Instead of appealing this decision the MTA should follow the example of individuals all across the Island who are tightening their belts and doing more with less. It is imperative that the MTA trims its own budget before asking the public to pay one cent more in taxes or fare increases.  I strongly urge them MTA and Attorney General Schneiderman not to appeal this decision.