Statement from Senator Sampson regarding Hurricane Sandy

John L. Sampson

I write today in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, one of the most devastating natural disasters that New York City has ever faced.  I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to those who lost loved ones during the storm.  I would also like to publicly thank the brave men and women of the New York City Police and Fire Departments as well as first responders throughout the area for their valiant efforts during the hurricane.  I have no doubt that without their heroism and dedication our losses would have been much higher.

Although the storm has passed, it is not over for many of us. Over 700,000 New York City residents are without power today. In addition, critical systems such as public transportation, tunnels and bridges are shut down or operating on a limited basis.  Please be assured that utility crews (some from as far away as Texas) are working as quickly as possible to restore power and services to all of those affected by this disaster.  I urge everyone to please be patient as work proceeds around the clock to restore our City to normalcy.

I will continue to provide up-to-date information from City, State and Federal authorities on my State Senate web page as well as on Facebook.  On these pages you will also find a list of agencies, organizations and utilities that may be helpful to you during this very difficult time.

If I may be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 518-455-2788 at any time. My staff and I are ready to assist you.


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