Our Town: Krueger Takes on 'the War on Women'

Liz Krueger

Our Town's Megan Finnegan reported on Liz's forum at the CUNY Graduate Center last week, "The War on Women: An Evening Basic Training."

Krueger was joined on April 24 at the CUNY Graduate Center by Amy Richards, writer and activist; Joe Rollins, executive officer of the Political Science Department at the CUNY Graduate Center; Shelby Knox, director of women’s rights at Change.org; and Jamia Wilson, vice president of programs at the Women’s Media Center. Each was invited to speak about what they feel are currently the biggest threats to women’s rights and how concerned citizens can combat them.


“We should take nothing for granted,” Krueger told the audience of over 100 people. “If we don’t make a stand, if we don’t push the envelope as far as we can back in the opposite direction, if we don’t continue our fight to make progress, then we could wake up another year and a half from now in this country going, ‘Oh my god, we thought 2012 was bad, who imagined this could happen here?’ But this can happen here.”

You can read the full article at the New York Press website.