Bloomy gabs with Gossip Girl in LIC for show’s 100th episode
The Times Ledger editorial reports on Mayor Bloomberg's celebration of Gossip Girl's 100th episode. Senator Gianaris commends Mayor Bloomberg for promoting the film industry in New York City, which has created jobs and contributed $ billions to the local economy.
Before “Gossip Girl” fans tuned in to see if Blair Waldorf would marry Prince Louis Grimaldi of Monaco or return to her old flame, Chuck Bass, Mayor Michael Bloomberg delivered an early wedding present to the cast.
Bloomberg visited Silvercup Studios, at 42-22 22nd St. in Long Island City, last Thursday to recognize the hit TV show for its 100th episode, which aired Monday. He said shows like “Gossip Girl,” as well as movies and commercials filmed in the city, contribute $5 billion to the city’s economy and employ about 100,000 people both in front of and behind the camera.
“This is a show that has captivated viewers across the country,” Bloomberg said.
State Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Astoria) said Bloomberg has been a great partner with the Legislature in encouraging the film industry in New York City.
“New York is actually taking film businesses from Hollywood to the East Coast,” Gianaris said.
Read the full article here.