A farce, by any other name
An editorial written by Times Union highlights the degree to which New York's redistricing process is flawed, pointing to the fact that the proposed lines were so partisan, court judges were forced to intervene.
There may not be enough bad words in a thesaurus to fully describe the state Legislature’s handling of redistricting. But a court decision on Monday to take over the drafting of congressional lines in New York speaks volumes about how badly this state’s self-interested lawmakers have failed (see: completely, utterly, dismally).
How self-interested are they? How about Assembly Democrats holding a fundraiser in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday night, just as they’re supposed to be drawing state congressional maps? What better time to get representatives — and who knows, maybe some of their lobbyist and special-interest pals — to pony up $500 to $1,000 than when Congressional careers are on the line (see: shakedown, squeeze, quid pro quo).
If there is a bright spot in this saga, it’s that New Yorkers may get some of the honest service they were promised. It just won’t be from the lawmakers who promised it (see: campaigns, promises, lies).
Read the full article here.