The geography of a sham
The Times Union wrote an editorial that talks about redistricting and how it has recently become even clearer that the Senate Republicans are attempting to exploit the redistricting process as a means to promote their partisan agenda.
Our opinion: Yet again, we’re shown how blatantly partisan the redistricting process is. It’s not to late for the Legislature to do the right thing, but if it doesn’t, we’ll look to Governor Cuomo to stand firm.
Yes, we are writing again about redistricting, a topic that New York lawmakers are undoubtedly counting on people to get so tired of that we’ll all just shut up and let them rig elections for the next 10 years.
The more we learn about what they’ve been up to, the more obvious their manipulation becomes. The more they try to defend the process, the more offensive their self-dealing seems.
Make no mistake about it, New York: This is as close to stealing an election as politicians can get without risking indictment.
Read the full article here.