Gianaris: Republicans 'decided to play chicken with the governor' on redistricting
Capital NY wrote an editorial that talks about Governor Cuomo's position on independent redistricting. Although Cuomo did not address redistricting in his State of the State speech, Senator Gianaris states that Cuomo didn't have to because he has already been very clear in his support of an independent redistricting process.
Governor Andrew Cuomo didn't talk about redistricting in his State of the State speech Thursday in Albany.
Democratic state senator Michael Gianaris, who has been perhaps the loudest and longest-standing advocate of redistricting reform in the legislature (where it is generally not popular), said Cuomo didn't have to.
"The governor has been very clear and has said many times, he has said it with great clarity, that he is insisting on a process that is independent and that LATFOR is not an independent process," Gianaris told me, referring to the Legislative Task Force on Redistrict. Cuomo has been "very aggressive and very clear in his support of an independent process."
Read the full article here.