LATFOR React-o-Mat: outraged Senate Dems edition
Capitol Confidential posted an article that highlights the many issues resulting from the state Senate Republican's redistricting proposal, which Senator Gianaris feels should not be tolerated by the people of New York.
Because we’re expecting several of them, we’re posting a separate React-o-Mat to corral statements from Senate Democrats ticked off by the release of LATFOR’s maps.
From Sen. Mike Gianaris, in a phone interview with Jimmy:
“I spent over five years making the case for an independent redistricting, and in five years I did not accomplish as much for the cause as Senate Republican’s did today. It’s about as bad — partisan, political — as you could imagine.”
“He has been crystal clear that a partisan process and a partisan product aren’t acceptable to him.”
Among Gianaris’ initial observations:
Splitting Albany County for the first time helps Republicans John Bonacic and Bill Larkin by putting Dems from Ulster County into an otherwise Republican swath of country.
“You have six Democrats sharing districts and zero Republicans. My district is about 95 percent the same. The only difference is I don’t live in it, and it’s hard to make any rational argument that that’s not targeted at me.”
“Mark Grisanti’s new district is only contiguous at low tide.”
“I don’t think the people in New York are going to stand for it.”
Read the full article here.