Simotas, Gianaris Fight For Voters’ Rights
Due to the redistribution of voting polls, Assemblymember Aravella Simotas and state Senator Michael Gianaris, are raising their concerns over the efficiency of this initiative.
Continuing their work to promote voters’ rights as this fall’s elections approach, Assemblymember Aravella Simotas and state Senator Michael Gianaris are calling on the New York City Board of Elections to review the redistribution of polling sites, which have changed as a result of redistricting this year. Many residents, some of whom have been voting at the same location for decades, will now have to travel significant distances to unfamiliar polling sites in order to vote.
Simotas and Gianaris sent a letter to Board of Elections President Maria R. Guastella requesting a review of the effects of the poll site redistribution as well as a solution that will enable better access to poll sites for all New York voters.
“We must do everything we can to ensure Western Queens residents have the best possible access to the polling sites,” Gianaris said. “Such a widescale redistribution of poll sites disenfranchises voters wanting to exercise this important right and could lead to lower voter turnout.”
You can find the full article here