October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a good time to issue this reminder about the importance of scheduling a yearly mammogram.
With breast cancer rates on the rise in recent decades, it is recommended that a clinical breast exam by a trained medical professional begin at age 20 and be done a minimum of every three years until the age of 40, at which time women should undergo breast exams every year.
Breast cancer can be treated effectively when detected early. Early detection happens when mammograms are received on an annual basis, especially for women 40 or older. People often believe that breast cancer won’t happen to them, but it can affect anyone, including men.
According to the American Cancer Society, while breast cancer occurs primarily in women, men are affected too, as a malignant tumor can take hold in any breast tissue.
For more information on breast cancer, including how to conduct self examinations for women and men, visit http://www.adelphi.edu/nysbreastcancer/index.html or call the Adelphi New York Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline at 800.877.8077 or the Support Program at 516.877.4320. Susan G. Komen for the Cure has also developed an easy to use guide to understanding breast cancer that is available online at http://ww5.komen.org/understandingbreastcancerguide.html.