Stay updated on the Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts

[Our admiration, gratitude and pride go out to all of the local volunteers providing Hurricane Sandy emergency assistance, including the Bath Volunteer Fire Department's Swift Water Rescue Team and local American Red Cross volunteers.]
From the Office of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo:
American Red Cross Disaster Relief
From the United Way of New York State:
2-1-1 New York reminds all New Yorkers that 2-1-1 is available for people who need help during Hurricane Sandy. In addition to dialing “2-1-1” from their phones or cell phones (311 in New York City), residents can also use 2-1-1- web sites and disaster guides to find the help and information they need about food, shelter, health care, evacuations and other storm related needs. Click here for additional information, including regional contact details...
From the Office of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo:
Albany, N.Y., October 26--Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today declared a state of emergency in New York in preparation for the potential impact of Hurricane Sandy, which may hit New York State in the coming days. A state of emergency mobilizes resources to local governments that otherwise are restricted to state use only and suspends regulations that would impede rapid response.
Albany, N.Y., October 25--Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has directed the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to closely monitor the progress of Hurricane Sandy and prepare for potential storm impacts.
Although the storm track is still uncertain, Hurricane Sandy has the potential to affect many parts of New York State with a variety of threats, including heavy rain, high winds, flooding, tornadoes, coastal surges, and widespread power outages.
"I have directed state agencies and New York's emergency operations personnel to begin preparations now for the potential impact of Hurricane Sandy," Governor Cuomo said. "I urge all New Yorkers to closely track the storm's path, using local radio and television or online reports. We will actively monitor the storm's progress and take any steps necessary to protect our state's residents."
The Governor cautioned New Yorkers to pay close attention to TV and radio for the latest information on the storm and especially for Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages that carry local emergency orders, such as evacuation or travel restrictions.
A storm emergency kit should include items such as non-perishable food, water, cash, filled prescriptions, a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, first aid kit, flashlights and extra batteries.
For the latest information on Hurricane Sandy, please visit the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services at www.dhses.ny.gov (which includes the Division's Hurricane Safety Tips).
The best way to receive emergency information is to subscribe to NY-ALERT, the State’s alert and notification system. Visit www.nyalert.gov and sign up for free today.