Uninsured Yonkers Families Enroll for Health Care Under the New Affordable Care Act/Obamacare (Source: Yonkers Tribune)

Andrea Stewart-Cousins

Source: Yonkers Tribune

More than 100 of Yonkers working families flooded the Riverfront Library in downtown Yonkers on Saturday to learn more about new and affordable health care options through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare.

The Westchester Black Women’s Political Caucus, Inc.-Yonkers chapter (WBWPC) hosted a free public information fair and community forum for residents and joined with local health access experts, health insurance providers and community groups to educate and enroll Yonkers families for health care in the new insurance marketplace or ‘exchange’. Other experts and health care providers provided valuable information on important health care resources locally available for low-income and working families.

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