The New York State Senate today passed a measure to deter terrorist recruitment and punish those who seek to employ others for their criminal plans. The bill (S1520), sponsored by Senator Carl L. Marcellino, would complement law enforcement’s efforts to expose groups who actively seek to engage in terrorist activity by creating a new crime to prosecute those who recruit others to assist them.
“Active recruitment for terrorism is a growing trend which requires an immediate response,” Senator Marcellino said. “As law enforcement actively seeks to unearth these groups and defeat their heinous schemes, we have a responsibility to hold accountable those who solicit individuals for terrorism. There's no question that as long as extremists are able to attract new recruits the fight will never end.”
Terrorist organizations and their membership are in a perpetual search to recruit new members by enticing the disenfranchised and gaining members to carry out criminal acts. This bill makes it a Class C felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison, when someone with the intent of committing a crime recruits, solicits, requests, commands, importunes or otherwise attempts another person to engage in terrorist conduct.
The bill will be sent to the Assembly.