Senator Farley Notes September Is Suicide Prevention Month in New York State

Several constituents have contacted my office this month, thanking me and my colleagues in the State Senate for our support in designating September as Suicide Prevention Month in New York State. A recent walk was held in Saratoga Springs that highlighted this designation and brought about the awareness that suicide is one of the top ten causes of all deaths in the Nation. Advocates of suicide prevention have also told me that suicide is the third leading cause of death among people ages 15 – 24 and the second cause of death among college students.
We have active groups in New York State that reach out to help individuals. I wanted to bring your attention to the great resources that are available. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and numerous local groups, work tirelessly to raise awareness, reduce stigma and educate New Yorkers about the mental health services that are available and accessible.
For more information, visit http://www.preventsuicideny.org/