Syracuse Post-Standard on Sen. Krueger's Maternal Depression Legislation

Liz Krueger

The Post-Standard's Marnie Eisenstadt reports this morning on Sen. Krueger's maternal depression legislation, which passed this year and awaits the governor's signature.

Postpartum depression, a depression that can include anxiety and psychosis, is triggered by the birth of a child. It affects as many as 15 percent of mothers, according to the legislation.


Bellenbaum, who works as an affordable housing advocate in New York City, decided to help others.


She researched every state's legislation on the topic, then crafted her own ideal and pitched it to Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan, whom she knew from her affordable housing work.


It took three years, but the legislation she suggested was approved by both the state Senate and Assembly unanimously. It is now waiting on Gov. Andrew Cuomo's desk in the pile of bills to be signed or rejected this year.