GRAND ISLAND DISPATCH: Grisanti Working to get New York Back on Track

Mark Grisanti

By New York State Senator Mark Grisanti

Over the last two years, we have helped stop the bleeding when it comes to New York State’s budget situation, but I still believe much more needs to be done to help get us back on track.

That's why I was encouraged by the broad outlines of the new 2013-14 Executive Budget proposal that Governor Cuomo recently submitted to the state Senate.  The governor’s budget is a spending plan that restrains overall spending, helps close a manageable deficit without new taxes, and invests in new job-creation initiatives.

The unveiling of the governor's budget represents the start of the annual budget debate and negotiation process.  Over the next few week, I will be carefully reviewing all aspects of the governor's plan in order to ensure that it meets the needs of Western New York.

As we now begin working to enact an on-time, fiscally responsible State Budget, my main focus will be on protecting hardworking taxpayers and doing whatever is possible to help small businesses create new jobs. It is also important that we deliver mandate relief to our local governments and school districts so that those entities can help hold down taxes and spending at the local level.

To take a look at the proposed budget, please visit this link to the governor’s website:

Just like I constantly proclaimed during my first term in office, eliminating wasteful or unnecessary spending is essential so that we can continue to have the resources we need for our local schools, health care and other key priorities.

With the budget review and negotiation process now underway, please feel free to let me know what issues are important to you, your family and the organizations you are involved with. I can always be reached locally via e-mail ( and by phone (716-854-8705.) I also encourage my constituents to visit my websites ( and to stay informed of my work in Albany.

By working together, I have great confidence that we can develop and enact a final state budget that keeps New York on a solid foundation for the coming year and beyond.