Senator Boyle Cosponsors Repeal of Controversial Gun Law, Offers Amendments

Phil Boyle

Calls for public hearings to enhance safety and protect Constitutional Rights

Albany, New York – Senator Phil Boyle today cosponsored legislation (S.3948) to repeal and replace the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (NY SAFE Act).  The New York SAFE Act was signed into law last month after Governor Cuomo issued a message of necessity leading to an immediate vote by the State Legislature, bypassing the traditional three-day waiting period.  

“The so-called SAFE act was a mistake.  Its passage lacked transparency and public input and its wording was ill-conceived and of questionable legality,” said Senator Phil Boyle.  “Lawmakers like myself might have caught these mistakes if we were given more than two hours to read the bill.  A good leader admits a mistake and works to rectify it.  That is what I am doing.” 

Governor Cuomo’s gun control bill is 73 pages in length and was passed in the State Senate a few minutes after 11 p.m. on January 14th, 2013.  Since then, law enforcement groups, mental health organizations, Constitutional Rights groups and others have raised legitimate concerns with various aspects of the law. 

“We owe it to our constituents to start over and give fair and open consideration to the  issues of public safety and Second Amendment rights.  While several provisions of the NY SAFE Act were well intentioned, it is evident now that the law violates the Second Amendment while not providing the right measures to protect against another tragedy like Newtown,” said Sen. Boyle.  “That is why I am cosponsoring legislation that implements more thoughtful, common-sense reforms to make our communities safer while also protecting the Constitutional Rights of law-abiding citizens.” 

The legislation that Senator Boyle is cosponsoring would repeal certain provisions of the NY SAFE Act that present practical problems for mental health officials or law enforcement officers, or impose unfunded mandates on local governments.  The bill also rescinds new restrictions on possessing magazines that hold more than seven rounds of ammunition.  More information on the newly proposed legislation can be found by clicking here. 

“This is an important opportunity to start over and pass these reforms the way we should, through a comprehensive process that involves public hearings and thorough debate,” said Sen. Boyle.  “Only then will we pass a law that enhances public safety and protects law abiding gun-owners’ rights.”

For a summary of the provisions of the legislation click here.