2013-2014 hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, and Deer Management Permits (DMPs), now available

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced that the 2013-2014 hunting, fishing and trapping licenses and Deer Management Permits (DMPs) became available for purchase beginning Monday, August 12, 2013 at any of the DEC's 1,500 license sales outlets statewide. Sporting licenses can also be ordered by telephone or online. The 2013-2014 sporting licenses are valid beginning October 1, 2013.
"New York has some of the best hunting, trapping and fishing opportunities in the nation, and we encourage people to purchase a license that will allow them to take advantage of all our state has to offer," said DEC Commissioner Martens. "Governor Cuomo's NY Open for Hunting and Fishing Initiative is committed to providing outdoor enthusiasts with an abundance of recreational opportunities to enjoy throughout the year. DEC is continually working to develop and manage new programs to enhance the outdoor experience while protecting the state's natural resources, and purchasing a sporting license is a great way to access a variety of outdoor opportunities."
Read more at http://www.dec.ny.gov/press/92838.html