'Saving Monterey Shock Rally' draws supporters to Watkins Glen

A "Saving Monterey Shock Rally!" drew supporters of the Monterey Shock Incarceration Correctional Facility to Watkins Glen yesterday to protest a Cuomo administration plan to close the facility by next year.
Read more:
WETM-TV, "Rally calls for Schuyler Co. prison facility to stay open"
Finger Lakes Radio, "Rally held Monday to keep Monterey Shock open"
Elmira Star-Gazette, "Officials tout service, impact of Camp Monterey"
The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County, "Monterey supporters rally in Watkins Glen"
see attached Corning Leader article, "Hundreds rally against plan to close facility"
To sign a local online petition to "Keep Monterey Open!", CLICK HERE.
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