In the News: Solar Capacity in New York Grew 30% (Source: The Lansing Star Online)
Source: The Lansing Star Online
Environment New York Research & Policy Center released a new report: "Lighting the Way” Tuesday showing strong solar growth across the nation including a 30% increase in New York State in 2013. The report emphasizes that it is not availability of sunlight that makes states solar leaders, but the degree to which state and local governments have created effective public policy to help capture the virtually unlimited and pollution-free energy from the sun.
New York's progress on solar has helped fuel a tripling of solar energy nationwide between 2011 and 2013. In 2013, solar capacity in New York grew from 175 MW to 250 MW.
“Solar energy is emerging as a go-to energy option here in New York and across the country,” said Heather Leibowitz, Director of Environment New York. “Thanks to the commitment of New York’s leaders, this pollution-free energy option is poised to play a major role in helping us meet New York’s goal of a 44% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.”
Democratic Conference Leader, State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins of Yonkers, said, "Let's make New York number one for solar energy use. We may not be in the top ten states now, according to Environment New York's report, but we are committed with our government partners to expand solar because using the sun to generate electricity makes sense and reduces greenhouse gases."