NY Sen. Cecilia Tkaczyk cited by School Boards Association

ALBANY >> state Sen. Cecilia Tkaczyk has been named the “2014 State Senate Legislative Freshman Leader of the Year” by the state School Boards Association.
Tkaczyk, D-Duanesburg, “has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to public education issues,” School Boards Association Executive Director Timothy Kremer said in a press release. “She has met with boards of education, participated in educational forums and events and made state aid for education a top legislative priority.”
Tkaczyk served as president of her local school board before being elected to represent the state’s 46th Senate District. She said she was honored to receive the recognition from the School Boards Association.
“One of the main reasons I ran for office is because many school districts in rural areas and small upstate cities had been shortchanged for years,” Tkaczyk said. She said she will continue to fight for school districts’ fair share of resources in the 2014-15 state budget.