IDC PAC Has $1M, Klein $1.6M

David J. Valesky

The Independent Democratic Conference’s political action committee will report about $1 million in cash on hand this fundraising cycle.

Combined, the IDC has about $3.6 million, when counting its four members, Sens. Jeff Klein, Diane Savino, David Carlucci and David Valesky.

Klein, the Senate’s co-president, has $1.6 million in the bank.

“From Buffalo to the Bronx, our members continue to receive overwhelming support from New Yorkers,” Klein, D-Bronx, said in a statement. “Entering an important election cycle, we know our candidates will have the resources they need to get their message out to the voters. All of us look forward to not only maintaining, but to building upon our electoral successes in the State Senate.”

Unlike the Senate Republican and Democratic conferences, the IDC does not have a soft money or “housekeeping” account.

There has been some talk of various primary challenges to members of the IDC, who formed a power-sharing agreement with the Senate Republicans in 2012, but those are yet to formally materialize.