Unopposed state legislators return to office
By Ashley M. Casey, Sarah Hall First Posted: Wednesday, November 5, 2014 -10:28 a.m.
Neither John DeFrancisco (R-Syracuse) nor Dave Valesky (D-Oneida) had an opponent this election season.
The lack of opposition allowed both state senators to coast easily back to the state legislature, earning 65,967 and 35,515 votes, respectively.
In a speech before the crowd at the Republican Party’s Election Night celebration at the Sheraton Syracuse University, DeFrancisco, senator for the 50th District, said he much prefers running without an opponent.
“I have won for 37 years from school board to the senate, 22 in the senate, 15 before that,” he said. “I’ve run opposed. I’ve run unopposed. Unopposed is a lot better. I’d recommend it to any candidates that are running.”
Valesky, who was just elected to his sixth term as 53rd District senator, said he is “looking forward to getting back to Albany” and “doing the work of the people.”
“We now have a budget surplus for the first time in a number of years,” Valesky said of his focus going forward.
He said he would like to see the state’s budget surplus go toward improving infrastructure and closing the gap elimination adjustment, which deducts from school districts’ state aid to make up the 2010-2011 budget deficit.
“It has really hit upstate schools in particular,” Valesky said. “The sooner we can pay that down, the closer we will be to true equity in how we fund our schools.”
Also unopposed was Assemblyman Will Barclay, who will return to represent the 120th District. The district includes the town of Lysander, as well as portions of Oswego and Jefferson counties. Barclay, a Republican, earned 5,575 votes.
“We have one of the best slates of candidates I think we’ve ever had in my time in the assembly,” Barclay said. “When you have a great ticket like that, it means anyone underneath that ticket is going to win.”