Senator Farley Honored by Ballston Community Library

Hugh T. Farley

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) was deeply honored on October 7th when the Town of Ballston Community Library dedicated its new color digital sign to him for his unwavering support of libraries over the years.

The two existing exterior signs were replaced by the single digital sign, paid for in large part by a grant obtained by Senator Farley. The library trustees and staff worked with the Town of Ballston to assure that the sign would meet town guidelines and be a good fit for the neighborhood. Because it is programmable, it can be turned off at night to ensure that it will not disturb library neighbors.

“I am proud to have been a lifelong advocate for libraries, and will continue my efforts to assist them in meeting the needs of the public,” Senator Farley said.

“Libraries are very important to our communities and our State,” Senator Farley said. “They provide educational services and opportunities to people of all ages. Whether you are learning to read, doing a school project, advancing your education, learning new skills, seeking a job, pursuing your hobbies and interests, seeking access to the Internet or simply looking for a good book to read, libraries offer a wide variety of resources and services to the public.”

Senator Farley has sponsored virtually every piece of major library legislation since 1978. He was a member of Governor Mario Cuomo's Commission on Libraries and was also an elected delegate to the White House Conferences on Libraries in 1979 and 1991. He has fought to secure State funding for libraries and to establish new forms of library services, including school library systems and hospital library programs.

In 2009, the Mohawk Valley Library System honored Senator Farley for his advocacy and support of libraries. In 2011, Senator Farley received the Ex Libris Award from the organization New Yorkers for Better Libraries in recognition of his leadership on library issues.