Senator Farley Meets with Librarians for Library Advocacy Day

Hugh T. Farley

Wednesday, Feb. 26th, was Library Advocacy Day in Albany and as the Chair of the Senate Select Committees on Libraries, State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I – Schenectady) met with representatives from around the State to discuss legislative initiatives and the concerns librarians have with the proposed Executive Budget for 2014-2015. Many representatives opposed Governor Cuomo’s cut in Library Aid. Last year, Senator Farley led the charge to successfully restore a $4 million increase in library aid. Unfortunately, the Governor left this funding out of his Executive Budget, resulting in another cut in aid for libraries. Senator Farley is working with his Senate colleagues in advocating for a restoration of funding to last year’s level and if possible an increase to help alleviate the impact of cuts in recent years.