Editorial Boards Cheer Sen. Krueger's Bill to Preserve Home Rule on Casino Siting

Liz Krueger

Since Sen. Krueger and her colleague Sen. Cecilia Tkaczyk introduced their bill to protect communities' home-rule rights and prevent casinos from being forced on towns that don't want them, mutliple editorial boards from around the state -- and representing a diverse range of viewpoints -- have weighed in, cheering the bill.

The Albany Times Union: "So the will of city councils, town boards, and ordinary citizens is now just politics? They're the special interests, not the gambling corporations with their lobbyists and generous campaign checks? ... sometimes the interests and concerns of local residents and the state are equally important, and demand consensus."

The New York Post: "The casino legislation sponsored by state Sens. Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) and Cecilia Tkaczyk (D-Duanesburg) reflect serious concerns, especially in upstate communities, about whether casinos will provide the widely promised economic rejuvenation in their regions."

The Poughkeepsie Journal: "...the process for picking exact sites must be aboveboard and as transparent as possible. It is also imperative that localities have their say."

The Gloversville Leader Herald: "...the opinions of residents in the town of Florida and the city of Amsterdam should be respected."