Donate Life!

Based on statistics from the 2013 Donate Life America state-by-state comparison, New York State ranks 47th in the nation in state organ donation. In fact, the most recent statistics show that 22% of New Yorkers are in our donor registry compared to an average of 48% for states nationally. And we’re far, far behind the state of Montana, for example, where 84% of adults have registered to donate.
The study also revealed that in 2013 more than 500 New Yorkers died awaiting a transplant. Nationally, there are more than 120,000 men, women and children waiting for organ transplants.
And keep in mind New York has the third most number of people – 10,150 – awaiting organs, behind only California and Texas.
Find out more about organ donation in New York State by clicking on the "Donate Life" icon on the New York State Department of Health website at http://www.health.ny.gov/