Find out more about a local 'Save Our Hospital' petition drive in support of St. James Mercy Hospital in Hornell

[UPDATE, December 10th: "Sign the Petition: Save Our Hornell Hospital"]
A Town Meeting was held on December 4th in Hornell on the future of St. James Mercy Hospital.
[UPDATE, December 5th: Read and watch more on the December 4th meeting from:
> WETM-TV, "St. James Hospital Update"
> WENY-TV, "New Vision for Hornell Hospital"
> WLEA 1480 News, "Huge Crowd for St. James Town Hall Meeting"]
A local petition drive organized by Hornell Mayor Shawn Hogan and Deputy Mayor John Buckley, in partnership with the local “Save Our Hospital Committee,” remains underway.
By signing the petition, area residents can help send a message: the Hornell region needs and deserves a community hospital that retains comprehensive services, including at least limited inpatient and maternity services.
A link to an online copy of the petition (and additional information) is available on the City of Hornell website (scroll down the home page to the “Save Our Hospital” heading) to print out and have signed: http://www.cityofhornell.com/
Read more HERE.