O'Mara, other local, regional and statewide Second Amendment supporters address March 8th public rally in Horseheads organized by the Chemung County Federation of Sportsmen (UPDATED)

Elmira, N.Y., March 7--State Senator Tom O'Mara (R,C-Big Flats), Assemblymen Chris Friend (R-Big Flats) and Phil Palmesano (R,C,I-Corning), Chemung County Executive Tom Santulli, Chemung County Sheriff Christopher Moss and a host of other area leaders and statewide Second Amendment defenders spoke at a public rally in Horseheads on Saturday, March 8th.
The rally at the Horseheads American Legion Post 442 drew was organized by the Chemung County Federation of Sportsmen and drew hundreds of supporters.
Read and watch more of the weekend coverage in the:
Star-Gazette, "Energetic gun-rights rally held in Horseheads"
The Leader, "Hundreds rally: Repeal 'unSAFE Act'"
WETM-TV, "Hundreds of 2nd Amendment Supporters Pack Rally in Horseheads"
The NY SAFE Act continues to draw the ire of county Legislatures, sheriffs, state and local officials, mental health professionals, sportsmen and sportswomen, gun owners and individual citizens throughout the Southern Tier and Fingers Lakes regions, and statewide.
Since the Act's approval just over a year ago, O'Mara has addressed numerous public rallies and meetings protesting the Act and defending the Second Amendment. He also continues to co-sponsor legislation to repeal the SAFE Act.
O'Mara, along with Friend, Palmesano and regional Assemblymen Bill Nojay and Joe Giglio voted against the SAFE Act when it was voted on by the Legislature in mid-January 2013.
[In the photo above, O'Mara addresses Saturday's rally in Horseheads]
Another rally at the Capitol is being planned for April 1st. Read more in the Hornell Evening Tribune, "Steuben SCOPE takes aim at SAFE Act"
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