Senator Carl L. Marcellino (R, Syosset), Chairman of the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee and Senator Joseph Robach , 56th District, Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee held a joint committee hearing examining the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) budget and finances. The Senators examined what changes need to be made to prevent predicted deficits at the MTA and stop the continuing cycle of increased fares and decreased services.
“With billions of taxpayers' dollars on the line, it is important to take a detailed look at the MTA budget, to make sure they find internal savings, reduce their own costs or streamline their operations. It is our obligation to make sure that we appraise what the priorities should be and see that there is better planning and greater transparency so projects come in on time and on budget” said Senator Carl Marcellino
“We are in the process of putting together a comprehensive transportation budget that meets the needs of mass transit, as well as other transportation systems across the state. This is a great opportunity to hear from outside groups and individuals who will be impacted by this year’s state budget and the service of our various transit systems,” said Senator Joe Robach
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has been facing serious financial problems including a predicted operating budget deficit of $322 million in 2018. The proposed $32.1 billion capital program for 2015-2019 has a funding gap of $15.2 billion, almost half of the total costs.
The final report and testimony can be accessed below:
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