Senate Report Reveals Sex Offenders Living Near Pre-K and Kindergarten Programs

The State Senate recently released the report, “Keeping Our Children Safe From Sex Offenders,” that has uncovered startling violations of residency restrictions and a major loophole in New York State law. It can be viewed at http://www.nysenate.gov/files/pdfs/Keeping_our_Children_Safe.pdf
The investigation found convicted pedophiles violating state law by living within 1,000 feet of grade schools with Pre-K programs. In addition, over a dozen sex offenders are residing within 1,000 feet of stand-alone Universal Pre-K programs not attached to grade schools.
My colleagues and I in the Senate will be passing legislation that includes allowing localities to fortify sex offender restrictions in ways that are no less restrictive than state laws; requiring school districts to distribute information about a sex offender’s residence upon notification from law enforcement; and closing the loophole on the legal definition of a school to include Pre-K and Kindergarten.