Awarded Stolen Wages, Workers Struggle to Collect
As reported by the New York Times:
After due consideration of records and testimony, the State of New York found that Marco Lino, who chopped vegetables and mopped floors and hoisted crates six days a week in a Bayside, Queens, greenmarket, was owed $51,025.20 in unpaid wages. For Gregoria Geronomina Jimenez and 34 other workers at three restaurants in Upper Manhattan run by the same owners, the Industrial Board of Appeals ruled that $385,364.34 in earnings had not been paid over four years. Jin Ming Cao, a waiter at a Chinese restaurant in Midtown Manhattan, was underpaid by $142,812.05, part of $1.8 million that a federal judge decided was due to 26 employees of that restaurant and two others run by the same people.
No one has collected.
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