TWC News: State Senate to Hold Hearings on police Safety
By: TWC News Staff
12/30/2014 09:45 AM
The State Senate will be holding a series of public meetings on Police Officer Safety in January in the wake of the shooting deaths of two NYPD Officers on December 20.
Senate GOP leaders, including former Erie County Sheriff Pat Gallivan (R-Elma), said the meetings will look at “serious safety concerns” raised by the recent shooting in Brooklyn.
The joint panel will examine whether police are properly trained, funded, and protected under the law.
Gallivan said it's becoming more dangerous for police officers. "Nobody is authorized to resist a lawful arrest,” said Gallivan. “No one is authorized to victimize others, and when they do, we turn to officers who protect us every day and ask them to help, and it's only right that we take a look at the system and ensure that they too are protected."
The committee will have the power to subpoena. The exact dates of the hearings are still being worked out, but they will likely be split between New York City and Albany. - See more at: http://buffalo.twcnews.com/content/news/796577/state-senate-to-hold-hearings-on-police-officer-safety/#sthash.YVKzJioA.dpuf