Murphy launches petition to end Gap Elimination Adjustment

SHRUB OAK, NY - Earlier today New York State Senator Terrence P. Murphy launched his online petition to finally end the notorious Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA). After meeting with school officials across the 40th Senate District the GEA's devastating impact on our public schools needs to finally be abolished, Murphy proposed.
"Eliminating the GEA is common sense policy decision that I fully support," Senator Murphy said. "We have a number of important issues facing the legislature this year but if we're serious about improving the quality of life here in New York I can think of no better investment than in our kid's education.
"I hope the Governor and the Assembly make the right decision on this matter which would return $1 billion to our public school districts," Murphy continued. "This will have a dramatic impact on our local schools like Peekskill and Lakeland who lost more than $2 million to the GEA last year, as well as Mahopac, which lost more than $3 million. These are valuable dollars that will have an immediate impact in our schools."
Journal News reported the GEA has drained schools across New York of more than $8 billion since it was first instated. Dr. Rick Timbs, who serves as the executive director of the Statewide School Finance Consortium, has accused the state of using schools as scapegoats to solve its budgetary problems.
Last week, Senator Murphy joined his colleagues at a press conference in Albany where they laid out the early stages of a plan to eliminate the GEA. Residents are encouraged to visit Senator Murphy's website www.murphy.nysenate.gov or by clicking here.