'Heroin issues examined at Ithaca forum' ~ Event draws a standing-room only crowd to hear about the heroin issue ~ Senator O'Mara praises grassroots efforts to raise public awareness, points to ongoing efforts of Senate Task Force on Heroin

below from the Ithaca Journal:
A standing-room-only crowd heard about the overwhelming issue of heroin in the Ithaca community during a presentation Monday evening at the Tompkins County Public Library.
"By far and wide, heroin is probably the worst drug on the street that we have here in Ithaca," Ithaca Police Investigator Kevin McKenna told the gathering.
Read more, "Heroin issues examined at Ithaca forum"
Senator O'Mara, who serves as a member of the Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction, called community-level, grassroots forums like this one critical to the overall effort to combat heroin's spread locally and statewide.
Read Senator O'Mara's recent column, which includes a summary of recent legislative actions taken by the Senate, "Trying to stay ahead of heroin crisis"
For more information, including prevention tips, warning signs and how to get help, visit www.combatheroin.ny.gov