More meth-related headlines coming out of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions today ~ O'Mara again calls for Assembly action on legislation approved by the Senate to combat proliferation of meth labs and other meth-related crimes (UPDATED, July 8)

More meth-related headlines coming out of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions involving law enforcement and first responders in Chemung County and Watkins Glen, as well as the New York State Police Contaminated Crime Scene Emergency Response Team.
Read breaking news from WENY-TV, "Suspected Meth Lab Bust in Watkins Glen"
And in the Star-Gazette, "Meth-making materials found in woods"
[UPDATE, July 8: From WETM-TV, "Meth lab bust highlights epidemic in the Twin Tiers"]
The New York State Senate has approved a series of measures aimed at combating meth labs and meth-related crimes, all of which have not been acted on by the leadership of the state Assembly -- read more HERE, HERE and HERE.
O’Mara has highlighted the increasing frequency of meth-related arrests and other incidents across the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions over the past few years as the impetus for imposing stricter criminal penalties for possessing the material to make or for manufacturing the dangerous and highly addictive drug.
He has also stressed the ongoing importance of public awareness and education.