Recent anti-heroin forum in Dundee drew more than 100 residents ~ See an update on New York State's 'Combat Heroin' public awareness campaign

On January 28th in Dundee, more than 100 residents attended a community forum on the heroin crisis.
Read more about this forum on the observer-review.com, "Heroin forum: 'Cheap, addicting and deadly'"
As the result of a series of anti-heroin laws approved by the Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo last year, which Senator O'Mara co-sponsored, New York has launched a new "Combat Heroin" public awareness campaign.
This statewide campaign includes a website, www.combatheroin.ny.gov, that provides a comprehensive range of information on services and programs, and other updates.
The state recently launched Phase II of the "Combat Heroin" initiative
The state Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction will also continue its efforts to address the crisis. Senator O'Mara serves as a task force member and hosted one of its forums last year at Elmira College (see photo above).