Senator Perkins Winter 2017 Newsletter

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Below you will find the topics that are enclosed in the newsletter:
- Constituent Concerns: As a legislator, my main priority is to address the concerns of my constituents. We often hear that housing, income inequality, policing and health care are concerns in the community. I invite all of my constituents to share your top 5 concerns with me.
- Presidential Election 2016: In light of the recent presidential election results, there has been a lot of fear, anger, disappointment, and confusion circulating throughout parts of the country. I invite all of my constituents to share your thoughts and concerns regarding the recent presidential election results.
- Scaffolding: Are scaffolds taking over New York? As New Yorkers, should we embrace scaffolds as a part of New York or are they truly a nuisance? I welcome you to take a walk through our neighborhoods and reflect on the sheds and scaffolding that are taking over our community. I invite you to share your thoughts with me on whether or not we should embrace scaffolds as a part of our environment or if they are in fact hiding the true beauty of New York City.
- Policing The Police: As a policymaker and elected official, it is important for me to know your thoughts on the NYPD, including your biggest fears and stories of their successes. I invite you to share your thoughts and concerns with me regarding the NYPD in your community.
- Gentrification: Gentrification is a complex problem that, frankly, is hurting the heart and soul of our communities. I invite all of my constituents to share your feedback regarding how gentrification has impacted you and/or your family, as well as your concerns and expectations for the future of your community.
- Senator Perkins welcomes Dr. Choi and members from the Korean Language School to his District Office in Harlem
- Senator Perkins recognizes the Ryan/Frederick Douglass Community Health Center during their ribbon-cutting ceremony
- Senator Perkins Co-Sponsors and Participates in Senator Serrano’s Free Flu Shot Event
- Senator Perkins and NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito at the African American Day Parade in Harlem
- Senator Perkins at the Susie’s Cause National Outreach Health Festival in Harlem
- Senator Perkins Legislative Accomplishments 2016:
- Senate Bill 2418—Keeping Our Communities Safe
- Senate Bill 2460—New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Reform
- Senate Bill 6699— New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Scaffolding Reform
- Senate Bill 6887—New York Road Runners (NYRR) Legislation
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